Ayurveda - The Science of Life
Ayurveda, the centuries old natural healing modality of Ancient India is spreading its wisdom into the Western world. Ayur means Life and Veda means knowledge or science. The base principle of Ayurveda are the Five Great Elements - Earth - Water - Fire - Air - Ether/Space. Every person, animal, plant and substance on the Earth and in the Universe is made of these five elements in different variations and combinations. We experience the elements all the time in our enviourment and inside of ourselves. Earth - The earth beneath our feet, in our garden and the planet Earth. Inside of us the earth element presents itself as minerals like calcium, zinc, iron, magnesium, etc. These are the building blocks for growing bones, muscles and other bodily tissues. Water - We, and all other living beings need water for our survival. Inside of us the water element is contained in the plasma, blood, saliva, sweat, urine. Fire - The sun is the fire in the sky. Without the sun there would be no life possible on Earth. We also use fire for heating, cooking and ceremonies. Inside of us the fire element appears as digestive enzymes, hormones and the entire endocrine system which regulates metabolism. To make it more clear: you might have heard the saying:" if you would put the digestive juices from your stomach onto your skin, it would burn your skin". In this sense the fire element in the body is breaking down and transforming sold food into a subtle essence that can be used as nourishment for the cells. Thoughts and emotions are also digested by the fire element. Air - We need air to breath and the wind to blow. The air comes into the body via the breath with the inhale and leaves with the exhale. Ether/Space - A room is a space, it can be empty or filled with people or furniture. The Earth's atmosphere is a space that is important for life on Earth. When the ozone layer around the Earth was threatened, humanity became aware of this protective space around the planet. There is outer space where we travel with rocket ships. Inside of us there are spaces like the oral cavity, sinuses, stomach, bladder, uterus, just to name a few. You can see how all the five major elements exist outside and inside of us. Our body is constantly assimilating and transforming the elements for our existence on this planet. Ayurveda beautifully explains the interplay and interconnections, balances and imbalances, and the qualities of the elements. Irmi Presutto
- Certified Hatha Yoga Teacher since 2008 with 13 years of teaching experience. - Certified Ayurvedic Health Counselor since 2022. Studied Ayurveda with Dr. Vasant Lad at the Ayurvedic Institute full time for one year which was a powerful and transformational experience. - Certified AyurYoga Teacher since 2023 and Yoga Alliance Registered. - Visual Artist since teenage years. These healing arts are part of my daily life and I attribute my health and happiness to those natural practices by large. I integrate all my passions into my work as a Health Counselor. If you have any questions about Yoga, Ayurveda or what an Ayurvedic Health Consultation with me looks like please contact me or Visit my OFFERINGS page to learn more. Ayurveda and Yoga are sister sciences
Yoga means to yoke or to unite. To unite the body, mind and consciousness via the breath. Yoga is known in the West mostly for its physical postures (asanas) and their benefits for pain- and stress relief, relaxation and better sleep. It helps millions of people every day! It's traditional meaning according to Patanjali in the ancient Yoga Sutras, Yoga is the cessation of the fluctuation of the mind. Yoga is a state of mind. The state, when the mind is completely still and undisturbed by inner and outer influences/fluctuations. Yoga is also a spiritual practice to obtain that still state of mind. In the yoga practice we use the body to get a hold of the mind, and the body also benefits. Ayurveda is the natural healing modality for health and longevity. It supports a lifestyle to obtain a long, healthy and happy life. When we are able to live out our natural life span without disease we are able to grow spiritually and are able to live our Dharma, the purpose of our life. This creates love, harmony, bliss and spiritual growth within ourselves, our families, communities and humanity at large. This is how Yoga and Ayurveda, the sister sciences, are working together to change the world for the Better, one individual at a time. Come and join me! |